Phytopharmacological Activities of <i>Spondias mombin</i>Linn: A Review
Spondias mombin, phytochemicals, herbal medicine, ethnopharmacology, AnacardiaceaeAbstract
This review describes the phytopharmacological activities of Spondias mombin. Spondias mombin (S. mombin) is a fructiferous tree native to tropical areas like America, Brazil, Nigeria and West India. It belongs to the cashew family of Anacardiaceae. Spondias mombin has been used as an herbal medicine from ancient times. Spondias mombin plant parts (leaves, bark, seeds, and fruits) are used for therapeutic purposes. Traditionally, the plant is being used in inducing labour, preventing miscarriages, reducing inflammation, reducing blood glucose level, amongst others. Various plant parts are also used for non-medicinal purposes like the production of cider-like drinks, wine, soap and ornamental purposes. The main bioactive compounds reported in S. mombin include tannins, phenols, saponins, anthraquinones, berberine, naphthoquinones, sesquiterpenes, indole and quinoline alkaloids, proanthocyanins, and flavonoids. Spondias mombin possesses beneficial pharmacological properties that are well-utilized in medicinal herbal therapy of several disease conditions.
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